Talent Management

July 25, 2021Program start
July 28, 2021Project Scope Meeting
August 11, 2021Agreement due
September 11, 2021Draft due
September 20, 2021Program end
July 25, 2021Program start
July 28, 2021Project Scope Meeting
Meeting between students and company to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates.
August 11, 2021Agreement due
Students will have the agreement with the organization, mentioning the deliverables of the project.
September 11, 2021Draft due
Students will have a draft prepared for the organization
September 20, 2021Program end
Program scope
Leadership Organizational structureSkills
business consulting business strategy marketing strategyStudents will examine the organizational culture of a company.
Students will help the company evaluate their current culture and their preferred culture. Students will make recommendations on the preferred culture aligned with company's goals, industry wide trends, current situation, and employees' expectations.
What is in there for organizations to invest in organizational culture? Research evidence has reported that organization's culture influences organizational performance, job satisfaction, employee turnover, absenteeism, innovation, agility, engagement, and competitiveness.
The final deliverable is a 10-15 pages report. This project is helpful in the company to improve effectiveness and efficiency.
Project timeline
July 25, 2021Program start
July 28, 2021Project Scope Meeting
August 11, 2021Agreement due
September 11, 2021Draft due
September 20, 2021Program end
July 25, 2021Program start
July 28, 2021Project Scope Meeting
Meeting between students and company to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates.
August 11, 2021Agreement due
Students will have the agreement with the organization, mentioning the deliverables of the project.
September 11, 2021Draft due
Students will have a draft prepared for the organization
September 20, 2021Program end
Project Examples
Sample student projects include, but are not limited to:
- Designing/redesigning an internal system or process related to on-boarding, employee engagement, change management, talent management, or work/life balance.
- Developing a plan to address employee turnover/employee retention.
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this program:
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this program:
July 25, 2021Program start
July 28, 2021Project Scope Meeting
August 11, 2021Agreement due
September 11, 2021Draft due
September 20, 2021Program end
July 25, 2021Program start
July 28, 2021Project Scope Meeting
Meeting between students and company to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates.
August 11, 2021Agreement due
Students will have the agreement with the organization, mentioning the deliverables of the project.
September 11, 2021Draft due
Students will have a draft prepared for the organization
September 20, 2021Program end