OneProsper Fundraising Project

Project scope
Communications Market research Project management Product or service launch Creative writingSkills
online databases fundraisingOneProsper International is a Canadian charitable organization that is providing girls from low income families living in the Thar Desert of India with education, clean water, nutrition and increased family income.
The intern will help to raise much needed resources to fund the girls education program.
The intern will be provided access and training to; which is a subscription-based online database of Canadian foundations. The intern will create a list of the top twenty (2) most relevant Canadian foundations that are aligned with the work performed by OneProsper International. The intern will write their rationale with regard to selection of each Canadian foundation.
The intern will create a brief summary of each of the twenty (20) Canadian foundations selected above. Each foundation summary will detail the foundation's giving priorities, key contacts, geographic focus (i.e. Africa, Latin America), whether the foundation is accepting applications, application process and application deadline. The intern will list the average giving amount for each foundation based on the past three years giving history.
The intern will write letters of inquiry for each of the selected twenty (20) foundations. The intern will select a request amount for each foundation that is within the annual giving range of the selected foundation.
Raju Agarwal, Executive Director will provide supervision and mentorship to interns.
About the company
Committed to empowering girls in rural India to attend school and realize their dreams! To give, learn, and get involved in our holistic solution to women's empowerment, visit our website and follow our platforms on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.