InSpark Analytics Inc.
InSpark Analytics Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Content Creation - Open Source Program Office

Available for 1 student InSpark Analytics has an offering that helps organizations develop analytics and data science benefits through establishing an Open Source Program Office. Material exists for the project activities, but sales and marketing content is light. This project aims to create the following out of the existing material. The successful candidate will also work with InSpark’s creative content developer to produce client ready material. Create Marketing materials out of existing content: One Pager summarizing the project and benefits of a OSPO Presentations out of existing content (sales/marketing as well as project content) Gap analysis – what else needs to be created/added Web content The successful candidate will be a self starter with an interest in the business of data science.

Admin Alex Hainsworth
Matches 0
Category Marketing - general + 3

Content Creation - Analytics Centre of Excellence

Available for 1 student InSpark Analytics has an offering that helps organizations develop analytics and data science benefits through establishing an Analytics Centre of Excellence. Material exists for the project activities, but sales and marketing content is light. This project aims to create the following out of the existing material. The successful candidate will also work with InSpark’s creative content developer to produce client ready material. Create Marketing materials out of existing content: One Pager summarizing the project and benefits of a COE Presentations out of existing content (sales/marketing as well as project content) Gap analysis – what else needs to be created/added Web content The successful candidate will be a self starter with an interest in the business of data science.

Admin Alex Hainsworth
Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 3

Open Source Program Office

Establishing an Open Source Program Office: An organization that wishes to set up an Open Source Program Office will need tools and templates that will allow them to evaluate the gaps, bottlenecks, and other constraints and opportunities to understand what will need to be done. This project is to develop the strategy and roadmap for such OSPO development. Artifacts produced would be: Workshop templates and questionnaires Documented methods for evaluating current state challenges and opportunities Tools to assemble the collected information and roadmap for next steps Other planning and development documentation It is not expected that every OSPO will be the same so flexibility in the process will need to be built in.

Admin Alex Hainsworth
Matches 1
Category Information technology + 2

Analytics Centre of Excellence Roadmap

An organization that wishes to set up an Analytics CoE will need tools and templates that will allow them to evaluate the gaps, bottlenecks, and other details to understand what will need to be done. This project is to develop the roadmap for such CoE development. Artifacts produced would be: Workshop templates and questionnaires Documented methods for evaluating current state challenges and opportunities Tools to assemble the collected information and roadmap for next steps Other planning and development documentation It is not expected that every CoE will be the same so flexibility in the process will need to be built in.

Admin Susan Hammond
Matches 1
Category Operations + 2

SAS2PY Go to Market Strategy

InSpark Analytics is a data and analytics management consulting company, founded in 2017. We provide strategic and tactical consulting service to companies in a myriad of industries. From data and analytics strategy development through to project implementations and post-deployment support, our consultants deliver superlative value to our clients. Project Examples from the Course Page Based on the information, goals and support provided by your organization, students will conduct primary market research, using focus groups, to determine your target market's needs and effective brand positioning strategy. Research activities can include, but are not limited, to the following: Focus group discussions with current and prospective customers Competitor SWOT analysis Analysis of product positioning Identification of potential new customer segments for your market offering Identify potential new product/ service for the company. The students will use the results of this research and analysis to create a marketing plan with recommendations on how to change and improve your marketing strategy. Students will consider your organization's budget and other constraints to ensure these recommendations are realistic and actionable. Components of a marketing plan can include, but are not limited, to the following: Consumer insights, recommendations, and strategies related to the Marketing Mix (Product, Place, Price and Promotion) Strategy to target a new customer segment, and an implementation plan Strategy to launch a potential new product or service, and an implementation plan Competitive strategy highlighting how your product /service offering can be differentiated from competitors

Admin Susan Hammond
Matches 0
Category Marketing - general + 4

Digital Platform

A digital platform for data and analytics execution. Requires generic data access APIs (REST, SOA, etc.) for relational databases, Hadoop data lakes, and external and flat files. Open source execution (Python, R, etc.). Potential containerized deployments. Execution requires logging and security. Source code control.

Admin Susan Hammond
Matches 0
Category Computer science - general + 3

Élaboration d'une feuille de route pour un programme de gouvernance des données

Une organisation qui souhaite mettre sur pied un programme de gouvernance des données aura besoin d'outils et de modèles qui lui permettront d'évaluer les lacunes, les engorgements et autres détails nécessaires pour bien cerner les mesures à prendre. Ce projet vise à élaborer la feuille de route pour l'élaboration d'un tel programme de gouvernance des données. Les pièces à produire seraient : Modèles d'atelier et questionnaires; Outils de classification des données; Sommations réglementaires (GDPR, CCA, etc.); Méthodes documentées d'évaluation des défis et des possibilités de la situation actuelle; Outils pour rassembler l'information recueillie et une feuille de route pour les prochaines étapes; Autres documents de planification et de développement. Comme tous les programmes de gouvernance des données ne seront pas nécessairement les mêmes, il faudra faire preuve de souplesse dans le processus.

Admin Alex Hainsworth
Matches 0
Category Computer science - general + 3

Élaboration d'une feuille de route pour un programme de gouvernance des données

Une organisation qui souhaite mettre sur pied un programme de gouvernance des données aura besoin d'outils et de modèles qui lui permettront d'évaluer les lacunes, les engorgements et autres détails nécessaires pour bien cerner les mesures à prendre. Ce projet vise à élaborer la feuille de route pour l'élaboration d'un tel programme de gouvernance des données. Les pièces à produire seraient : Modèles d'atelier et questionnaires; Outils de classification des données; Sommations réglementaires (GDPR, CCA, etc.); Méthodes documentées d'évaluation des défis et des possibilités de la situation actuelle; Outils pour rassembler l'information recueillie et une feuille de route pour les prochaines étapes; Autres documents de planification et de développement. Comme tous les programmes de gouvernance des données ne seront pas nécessairement les mêmes, il faudra faire preuve de souplesse dans le processus.

Admin Alex Hainsworth
Matches 0
Category Computer science - general + 3

Élaboration d'une feuille de route d'un centre d'excellence en analyse

Une organisation qui souhaite mettre sur pied un centre d'excellence en analyse aura besoin d'outils et de modèles qui lui permettront d'évaluer les lacunes, les engorgements et autres détails nécessaires pour bien cerner les mesures à prendre. Ce projet vise à élaborer la feuille de route pour le développement d'un tel centre d'excellence. Les pièces à produire seraient : Modèles d'atelier et questionnaires; Méthodes documentées d'évaluation des défis et des possibilités de la situation actuelle; Outils pour rassembler l'information recueillie et une feuille de route pour les prochaines étapes; Autres documents de planification et de développement. Comme tous les centres d'excellence ne seront pas nécessairement les mêmes, il faudra faire preuve de souplesse dans le processus.

Admin Alex Hainsworth
Matches 0
Category Operations + 2

Élaboration d'une feuille de route d'un centre d'excellence en analyse

Une organisation qui souhaite mettre sur pied un centre d'excellence en analyse aura besoin d'outils et de modèles qui lui permettront d'évaluer les lacunes, les engorgements et autres détails nécessaires pour bien cerner les mesures à prendre. Ce projet vise à élaborer la feuille de route pour le développement d'un tel centre d'excellence. Les pièces à produire seraient : Modèles d'atelier et questionnaires; Méthodes documentées d'évaluation des défis et des possibilités de la situation actuelle; Outils pour rassembler l'information recueillie et une feuille de route pour les prochaines étapes; Autres documents de planification et de développement. Comme tous les centres d'excellence ne seront pas nécessairement les mêmes, il faudra faire preuve de souplesse dans le processus.

Admin Alex Hainsworth
Matches 0
Category Operations + 2

Analytics workflow

Regulated companies require oversight on modelling activities. Models (scorecard, predictive, ML, AI) progressing from development to production need to be vetted and approved by different departments at different stages. Each department will have to certify that certain criteria are met. A platform for model performance and comparison reporting will need to be part of this application. At each workflow step questions need to be presented and answers collected (questions may be developed dynamically and stored in a database for individual deployments). Some kind of source code control would be used to ensure that the model documents are protected and some kind of integrity is preserved.

Admin Susan Hammond
Matches 1
Category Computer science - general + 3

Data Governance Program Roadmap

An organization that wishes to set up a Data Governance Program will need tools and templates that will allow them to evaluate the gaps, bottlenecks, and other details to understand what will need to be done. This project is to develop the roadmap for such CoE development. Artifacts produced would be: Workshop templates and questionnaires Data classification tools Regulatory summations (GDPR, CCA, etc.) Documented methods for evaluating current state challenges and opportunities Tools to assemble the collected information and roadmap for next steps Other planning and development documentation It is not expected that every DGP will be the same so flexibility in the process will need to be built in.

Admin Susan Hammond
Matches 1
Category Computer science - general + 3

Analytics Centre of Excellence Roadmap

An organization that wishes to set up an Analytics CoE will need tools and templates that will allow them to evaluate the gaps, bottlenecks, and other details to understand what will need to be done. This project is to develop the roadmap for such CoE development. Artifacts produced would be: Workshop templates and questionnaires Documented methods for evaluating current state challenges and opportunities Tools to assemble the collected information and roadmap for next steps Other planning and development documentation It is not expected that every CoE will be the same so flexibility in the process will need to be built in.

Admin Susan Hammond
Matches 1
Category Operations + 2

Digital Platform

A digital platform for data and analytics execution. Requires generic data access APIs (REST, SOA, etc.) for relational databases, Hadoop data lakes, and external and flat files. Open source execution (Python, R, etc.). Potential containerized deployments. Execution requires logging and security. Source code control.

Admin Susan Hammond
Matches 1
Category Computer science - general + 3